Chemical & Corrosion Protection Systems
Offering high-performance protection from a wide range of aggressive industrial chemicals.
The products ensure expensive chemical processing assets are protected from chemical attack and premature failure.
The coatings have been specifically developed to cover a wide range of applications and can be applied to both metallic and cementations surface. Unique Polymer Systems Chemical Coatings range offers solutions that reflect the latest advances in solvent free polymer technology and take into consideration the type of surface preparation available and the customers’ long-term requirements.
Typical Repairs Include;
Fuel tanks
Process equipment
Treatment plants
Drainage channels
Containment areas
Structural steel
Chemical dykes
Features Of The Product Range Include;
Simple use
Excellent chemical resistance
Brush, roller or spray applied
Seamless finish
Good adhesion to previously coated surfaces
Benefits To The User Include;
Guaranteed long-term protectiono of key assests
Reduced downtime or process equipment and production areas
Cost effective solutions
Reduction in life cycle coat of key operating plant.